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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

LaCi (Anonymous, 5.90.175.) Warszawa 49 days ago

What if I still have swollen, sore breasts and leaking milk a week after the end of Dostinex treatment?

I took dostinex for 2 days (half a tablet in the morning and half in the evening) to stop breastfeeding after 20 months. A week later I still have swollen and painful breasts (both to the touch and to any type of movement); Moreover, as soon as I remove the compression bra, the nipples start to drip. What can I do? Is another dostinex cycle necessary?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

47 days ago

Dostinex (cabergoline) is highly effective in inhibiting postpartum lactation when administered as 1/2 tablet twice daily for 2 days.

However, persistent breast swelling and milk production may occur after treatment. In case of severe breast swelling, it is recommended to use warm compresses, rest, take painkillers if necessary.

The decision on a possible next Dostinex cycle should be made after consulting a doctor who will assess your individual situation. Avoid increasing the dose on your own or continuing the medication without consulting your doctor.

If you need more personalized advice, you can use teleconsultations here:


The advice is provided in Polish.

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