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Baśka (Anonymous, 188.137.82.) Rydułtowy 50 days ago

When will my bleeding end if I have been taking Preventive for 20 days and Cyclonamine for 5 days?

Good morning. I take provere once a day to stop the bleeding that has been going on for 3 weeks. I'm supposed to take it for 3 months straight, will this bleeding stop? I've been taking it for 20 days now, the fact that I'm bleeding less, but I'm still worried if it will end at all.. In addition, I am prescribed cyclomedine which I am to take 5 days 3 times a day, then 5 days off and again the same.

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

48 days ago

Provera often takes some time to effectively stop prolonged bleeding. If you have already noticed a decrease in intensity, it is a sign that the treatment is working. In addition, Cyclonamine supports this process, but it takes time.

It is difficult to give a more precise answer on the basis of such a short description.
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