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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Natalia (Anonymous, 213.134.189.) Warszawa 51 days ago

If I miss the 18th tablet and take the 19th Qlaira tablet, should I continue the pack if I want to stop taking the medicine?

I've been using Qlaira for a few months now and I would like to get off it and I found out that the best thing to do is to finish the pack. However, yesterday I forgot to take 18 tablets and today I took 19 without reading the package. I know it's my mistake, but I don't know if I should continue the packaging now and finish it or just stop taking it

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

50 days ago

If you forget to take the Qlaira contraceptive pill, it is recommended that you follow the instructions in this leaflet. Since you forgot to take the 18th tablet and took the 19th, you should continue taking the remaining tablets in the pack.

It is important not to stop taking Qlaira as it is designed to be taken regularly for 28 days and withdrawal bleeding usually occurs while you are taking the last tablets.

If you have doubts about this situation, it is always worth consulting a doctor who can provide more personalized advice. If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:


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