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Koza (Anonymous, 80.54.37.) Warszawa 52 days ago

What can I use for menopause with Asentra, Trittico and Euthyrox?
14.00 zł

Since the 6th week I've been taking Asentre 125 with but I don't see any improvement, I still have eutyrox for the thyroid and triticol at night, I did a menopause test, the result was positive, my question was what menopause drug I can combine with the above pills.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

52 days ago

Hypothyroidism is a contraindication to the use of over-the-counter medications for menopausal symptoms. More here:


I also mention that the self-test is only an introduction to further diagnostics.
The next step should be a visit to a gynaecologist, who will order hormonal tests and select the appropriate treatment on this basis. Hormonal drugs used in HRT (hormone replacement therapy) usually do not interact with clinically significant antidepressants and drugs for thyroid disease - however, they are prescription preparations and their use must be decided by a doctor.

If you are unable to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


You can read about hormone replacement therapy here:


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