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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Ola  (Anonymous, 178.36.15.) Polska 53 days ago

What if I have bleeding while using Ginoring?
9.99 zł

On July 19 I put on the gynoring, on July 29 I had an operation under general anesthesia, then for 5 days I received strong painkillers, today, despite the fact that there was still 5 days to remove the ring, the bleeding began, I will add that the ring is still there. What to do in this case

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

53 days ago

To @Ola:
Painkillers, even strong ones, do not affect the effectiveness of the Ginoring disc. The surgery itself, if it was not carried out within the reproductive organs, also does not affect the effectiveness of the disc and its effect is preserved. Bleeding can be the result of weakness, stress, etc. The situation should stabilize in the next cycle.

Ola  (Anonymous, 178.36.15.) 53 days ago

Is contraception preserved in this case?

Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

53 days ago

The Ginoring leaflet warns you of the possibility of unexpected bleeding "Some women may experience unexpected mid-cycle bleeding while they are taking Ginoring. The patient may need panty liners. Leave the system in the vagina and use it as usual. If irregular bleeding gets worse or repeated, contact your doctor."
According to the manufacturer's information, the Ginoring system should continue to be used, and in the case of severe bleeding, you should see a gynecologist.

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