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Joanna (Anonymous, 37.248.209.) Warszawa 57 days ago

Can a 15 year old girl taking Prefaxine 75mg take medication for insomnia?

Good morning. My daughter is 15 years old and takes Prefaxine 75 X1 daily. He has great sleep problems. He wakes up an hour after falling asleep, then he cannot fall asleep again. In general, it sleeps a maximum of 4 hours a night. Can he take something to sleep?

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Katarzyna Kosińska Pharmacist, Editor

57 days ago

Insomnia can be a side effect of Prefaxine (especially if the problem has worsened since starting treatment). I encourage you to consult the problem with a psychiatrist - it may be advisable to modify the dose or hours of use of the drug. You may also need to take other prescription medicines periodically. Your daughter can take mild herbal remedies (e.g. lemon balm-based) until she sees a doctor.

Examples of herbal preparations:



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