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Basia (Anonymous, 62.122.117.) Warszawa 58 days ago

Should I increase my dose of Azertin if I am still feeling anxious and anxious after 5 weeks?

After about a year and a half, while taking Escipram, some anxiety symptoms returned (much less strong, without terrible panic attacks). After 2 years of using Escipram I changed my drug to Asertin For 5 weeks I have been taking it in a dose of 100 I feel anxious all the time, anxiety is still accompanied by a slight improvement, somatization in the form of burning Should I increase the dose of the drug at this stage or maybe drugs from this group have such a low effect on me?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

58 days ago

It is recommended that treatment with Aspertin 100 mg be continued for at least 6-8 weeks to assess the full therapeutic effects, which may take longer.

If you do not notice a significant improvement in your anxiety symptoms after this period, it is worth consulting your doctor to consider increasing the dose or changing the medication. Please remember that each body reacts differently to medication, and patience is key in the healing process.

Treatment of difficulties in the area of psychological functioning only with pharmacological agents carries the risk of intensification of symptoms after discontinuation of medication and or shortly thereafter. If you have not started psychotherapy (apart from taking medication), I encourage you to make an appointment for a consultation with an appropriate specialist. If you are not able to make a face-to-face visit, I attach a link to the online teleconsultation:


The availability of Asertin in pharmacies in Polish can be checked at the following address:


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