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Елена (Anonymous, 185.117.149.) Warszawa 58 days ago

Should I start taking Dostinex half a tablet every other day after a 20 day break while having a pituitary macroadenoma prolactinoma?

Hello! I have a macroadenoma of the pituitary gland prolactinoma. I was prescribed to take cabergolinex. I took it for 3 months, starting with half a pill 2 times a week and then abruptly stopped taking it for some reason. After 20 days, I began to write it again, only half a pill every other day. Was it possible to drink it like that? Or what should I do now? Please tell me

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

58 days ago

In this situation, you should immediately consult your doctor to discuss further action. Discontinuation of cabergoline therapy for prolactinoma may lead to a recurrence of symptoms and an increase in tumor size. Resuming treatment at half a tablet every other day is acceptable, but it is recommended that the dose be increased gradually as directed by your doctor. Normalization of prolactin levels usually occurs after a few weeks or months of treatment.

Please continue to take cabergoline at the dose prescribed by your doctor and do not stop the treatment on your own. It is important to monitor your blood prolactin levels regularly and to consult your doctor to determine what to do next. Follow-up treatment is crucial for effective disease management.

Through Gdziepolek, it is possible to book Dostinex at a pharmacy of your choice:


If you have any further doubts, it is worth consulting your attending physician. If you are unable to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


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