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Dmitro (Anonymous, 31.182.203.) Warszawa 58 days ago

Where can I get the Covid 19 vaccine in Krakow?

Good afternoon. Where can I get the Covid 19 vaccine in Krakow? What documents are needed for this?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

58 days ago

Unfortunately, according to the current vaccination centres, none of the vaccination points in Krakow vaccinates against Covid-19.

Generally, you can get the COVID-19 vaccine at vaccination points, primary care clinics and public pharmacies.

There are three options to register for vaccination:
1. Electronic registration on the Online Patient Account. This requires a Trusted Profile.

2. Telephone registration via the hotline - 989. It is a free, round-the-clock hotline of the National Vaccination Program. If you are calling from an operator number that does not support special numbers, you should call 22 62 62 989. The helpline offers information in Polish, English, Ukrainian and Russian.

3. Registration by contact at the vaccination point. The list of points can be found on the https://pacjent.gov.pl/ page.

The following are required for vaccination:

ID card or other identification document.

In the case of minors, the presence of a legal guardian is necessary. It is also recommended that you take your medical records, if any, to facilitate the registration and vaccination process.

I have attached materials that may be interesting:



niezaszprycowany zadna dawka pracujacy wciaz pracownik szpitala (Anonymous, 193.200.46.) 58 days ago

........ I don't want to be unkind or unhelpful, but.... It's just amazing that there are still people who want to be vaccinated and are afraid of the virus and haven't learned anything after so many years of lying. But all in all, autumn is not far away and those about whom I write again, when the TV tells them that there is a terrible epidemic, they recommend getting vaccinated. Here I will give you a hint on how it worked as if you didn't know yet, poor person: scare people by torturing them 24/7 about something that is supposedly deadly, give them the opportunity to test with tests that give false positive results, scare them with false statistics of infections and deaths, and remember every death plus a positive result is a DEATH FROM COVID!!!!! And the pandemic is getting worse. And all according to the scenario from the EVENT 201 event, which took place at the end of 2019 just before the pandemic.
So the more tests, the more positive results, and that's how it worked. And by chance, the flu also disappeared in 2020-2022 because it was scared of the virus, and then the virus was scared of the war in Ukraine. So if you will take a salutary preparation after which many have already experienced sudden salvation or in the form of a turbo cancer of quick salvation, think about what I am writing here :)

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