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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Pelucco (Anonymous, 95.246.186.) Warszawa 59 days ago

Whether Uro-Vaxom help with recurrent bladder infections?

Good morning, I suffer from recurrent abacterial cystitis. Negative analysis of bacteria but many leukocytes. They told me about urovaxom, can it help me heal?
Thank you

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Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist

58 days ago

Clinical studies have shown that Uro-Vaxom may reduce the incidence of recurrent urinary tract infections, including cystitis. Patients are usually advised to take one capsule on an empty stomach every day for 90 days, and in some cases, treatment may be continued for a longer period of time to maintain protection.

UroVaxom is especially recommended for people who experience recurrent urinary tract infections and other preventive methods (e.g. lifestyle changes, antibiotic therapy) have not been effective or are insufficient. However, the decision to use this drug should be made by a doctor who will take into account the individual needs and health condition of the patient. Please consult your doctor about this.

The availability of the drug in pharmacies in Poland can be checked here:


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