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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Judyta 306@wp.pl (Anonymous, 37.248.215.) Warszawa 2 months ago

Is half a tablet of medicine Frisium 10 p.m. isn't too low a dose?

Hi, if 1/2 in the tablets in the evening, it is not too small a dose. A woman 82 years old, anxiety, senile dementia and many other diseases. Please answer. Thank you. Best regards

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Katarzyna Chadryś Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

Frisium 10 is a prescription drug, so it should be decided by your doctor whether to use it and how to use it. According to the information in the Summary of Product Characteristics, when Frisium 10 is used in elderly patients (who are more prone to side effects), a low starting dose is required, followed by a gradual increase in dose with careful observation of the patient. Based on his knowledge, clinical experience and full information about the patient's health condition, the course of the disease and the medications used, the doctor recommends a dosage tailored individually to the patient, which may sometimes be different from the one included in the package leaflet.

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