Welcome to licensed pharmacies in Poland:

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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Maria (Anonymous, 37.73.37.) Warszawa 2 months ago

How much does Enbrel (etanercept) cost in UK and can you buy it without a prescription?

Hello. How much does Enbrel (etanercept) cost in Poland and can I buy it without a prescription. If you need a recipe, where can you get it? I am from Ukraine and now I live in Ukraine, I need it, but we are very expensive

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

Enbrel (etanercept) is not widely available in pharmacies generally available in Poland. It is a specialist drug and publicly available pharmacies integrated with the service GdziePoLek.pl do not currently have them in stock, and there is currently no preview of the price. The price of Enbrel in Poland is quite high and varies depending on the dose: from PLN 583.85 (for a dose of 10 mg/ml) to PLN 6,010.64 (for a dose of 50 mg/ml).

This drug is mainly used as part of drug programs. These programs are special forms of therapy in which patients receive medication in hospitals or specialized clinics, rather than through purchase from pharmacies.

Given the high price of the drug in Poland and the difficulty in obtaining it for a person living in Ukraine, I recommend consulting a doctor in the country. They can suggest alternative treatment or help you find a more accessible treatment option.

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