Welcome to licensed pharmacies in Poland:

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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Durlauppolen (Anonymous, 104.28.64.) Polska 2 months ago

How can I use an e-prescription that has been saved on the health card?

How can I redeem an e-prescription stored on the health card in Poland?! According to the pharmacy, they have no way to read the card

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

In Poland, e-prescriptions are not stored on the health card, but are managed in a central system.

Currently, it is not possible to buy a German cross-border e-prescription in Poland. If you have a German health card, it cannot be used to fill an e-prescription in Poland. The systems are not compatible, and Polish pharmacies are not adapted to read foreign health records. The cross-border e-prescription system in the European Union is still in the development phase and does not yet cover all Member States.

In Poland, the e-prescription system works as follows:
1. The doctor generates a four-digit code for the e-prescription through a central system and adds his digital signature.

2. Patients will receive this code via SMS or email if they have previously registered for the patient portal. Alternatively, you can ask your doctor to print out the code.

3. In order to fill an e-prescription at a pharmacy, the patient must present a four-digit code along with the PESEL number (which every Polish citizen has).

If you need to fill a prescription in Poland, it is best to go to a Polish doctor, who can issue an e-prescription in accordance with the Polish system.

It is worth noting that prescriptions issued in one EU country are generally valid in other European Union countries. If you want to buy a medicine in another EU country, you can ask your doctor to issue a so-called cross-border prescription. Such a prescription must be in paper form and contain certain information, such as the patient's details, the date of the prescription and the details of the doctor issuing the prescription.

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