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Anusia (Anonymous, 188.146.239.) Radomsko 2 months ago

Do you lose weight after barberry?

Do you lose weight after barberry, what is the daily dose of consumption and which drug is the best

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Aleksandra Kowalczyk Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

Berberine contained in barberry has, among m.in, cholesterol-lowering effects, inhibiting the differentiation of adipocytes (fat cells), and lowering blood glucose levels.

Many studies suggest that berberine reduces body weight in animals by inhibiting the process of differentiation and the formation of new fat cells. In a pilot study in severely overweight people, berberine was shown to have a moderate effect on weight loss. This substance does not burn fat, it can only support the weight loss process.

The usual dose of berberine preparations is 100 to 300 mg per day. Always read the manufacturer's indications as to the dosage of a specific preparation.

We write more about the berberine contained in barberry here:
https://www.gdziepolek.pl/substancje/berberyna At the link above, you will also find preparations with berberine available on the market.

I have attached materials that may be of interest to you: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/odchudzanie https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/leki-na-odchudzanie

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