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@daria  (Anonymous, 188.33.249.) Warszawa 2 months ago

If bleeding occurred with 12 Slinda tablets and lasted 8 days, can it also occur with placebo tablets?
9.99 zł

If the bleeding occurred with the 12th tablet of Slinda and lasted 8 days, can it occur with the plecabo tablets or rather I am not on the 2nd tablet of plecabo. Please reply . I have been using the pills for 2 months and before that I used Vibin.

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

To @daria:

There is no reason to worry about pregnancy. Such bleeding while taking Slinda is normal.

@daria  (Anonymous, 188.33.249.) 2 months ago

So if there was bleeding on the 12th tablet of Slinda and it lasted 8 days, I don't worry that I'm pregnant. The pills were taken regularly, only on one day I took an extra pill because I didn't remember if I took it for a given day.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 months ago

This is difficult to predict because bleeding is often irregular when using Slinda tablets, and the frequency of bleeding is an individual matter and may vary from patient to patient.

In addition, it is worth bearing in mind that Slinda are single-component contraceptive pills, which are characterized by the fact that most women do not experience withdrawal bleeding during their use. According to the manufacturer of Slinda: "The occurrence of withdrawal bleeding (defined as bleeding that begins within 4 days while using placebo pills and lasts up to 8 consecutive days) was most common in the first cycles – withdrawal bleeding occurred in less than 40% of women using single-component pills and this frequency decreased during the study. After 9 months of taking the pills, withdrawal bleeding was reported in less than 20% of the women using the pills. "

I am attaching a link to the article about single-component tablets:


I also attach a thread in which patients shared their opinions about Slinda:


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