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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Concertamaster (Anonymous, 89.64.37.) Polska 7 months ago

Why is there a shortage of medicine Concerta 18 mg?

What is the reason for the long-standing problem with the availability of the drug, especially in the 18mg variant?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

7 months ago

The name of the drug was not mentioned in the question. If you have a question about Concerta marked in the tags, please read on.

At the moment, we have no information about the reasons for the lack of the drug in pharmacies. Perhaps the declared supplies of the preparation are too small in relation to the needs of the society.

You can check the availability of the drug using the following link:


I encourage you to sign up to receive medication alerts. To do this, click on the "Notify me of new information" button on the left in the following link. As soon as we obtain additional information about the preparation, we will include it in the medication card:


If it is not possible to continue the treatment, I encourage you to consult your doctor again. You can also take advantage of a teleconsultation via the m.in portal Gdziepolek.pl:


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