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Asia  (Anonymous, 213.134.183.) Warszawa 10 months ago

3 months after discontinuing Axia conti, acne appeared. What could be the reason for this?

Three months ago, my gynaecologist changed my birth control pills from axia conti to levomine mini pills. After three months, acne appeared, which had not been present for three years when I had been using axia conti tablets. What could be the reason for this?

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Anna Olejnik Pharmacist

10 months ago

Admittedly, taking Levomine alone should not cause acne to appear. I would rather see the reason for this in the discontinuation of Axia.

Axia has a proven anti-androgenic effect, which is why taking it can alleviate acne lesions. Therefore, while taking it, you noticed a positive effect on your complexion, and after stopping the drug, the condition of your skin deteriorated.

Please remember that our body's reactions to the medications used are very individual and even though the manufacturer does not mention acne among the side effects in the leaflet, it does not mean that it could not have occurred in you.

Among the side effects of Levomine mini is the risk of uncommon (1/100-1/1000 patients) rash and urticaria.

If the symptoms persist or worsen, I encourage you to contact your gynaecologist, who may decide to change the medication to a different one.

If you are unable to contact your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


However, if you continue your Levomine therapy, you can check the availability of the drug here, with the possibility of booking it at the pharmacy: 


In the meantime, I encourage you to report any side effects you are experiencing.
Here's more about it:


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