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A.L.A  (Anonymous, 155.133.37.) Warszawa 11 months ago

Is Pyrantelum Owix effective in treating human roundworm infection?

How does pyrantelum work on human roundworms? Can it help if the child coughs terribly mainly at night, which may be due to the fact that they sit in the lungs or come up to the throat.

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Marta Janocha Pharmacist

11 months ago

Unfortunately, the active ingredient in Pyrantelum Owix does not work on human roundworms. The indication for the use of this drug is porridge. However, in the case of human roundworm, this drug is ineffective. Human roundworm infection is treated with the drug albendazole or mebendazole. These are medicinal substances that can only be obtained with a prescription.

Coughing at night can have another cause. Most often, it is the runoff of secretion down the back of the throat. But also asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis or laryngitis. Sometimes it is a symptom of heart disease or acid reflux. Remember to ventilate your child's bedroom regularly, maintain the optimal temperature and humidity in the room. An adequate supply of fluids (water) is also recommended.

To sum up, please urgently consult a paediatrician who will help diagnose the problem of persistent night cough in your child.

Information about Pyrantelum Owix can be found here:


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