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Ewa Popek (Anonymous, 185.246.207.) Warszawa 15 months ago

If I've been treating depression for over 25 years, will I have a chance to be given reimbursed exetamine?

When I have been treating depression for over 25 years, will I have a chance to administer reimbursed exetamine?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

The reimbursement indications for esketamine, which is to be available in the B.147 drug program, are extensive. The time of suffering from depression confirmed by an appropriate diagnosis is not a criterion for inclusion - drug resistance is primarily important. The question is whether the medication you are taking helps or whether you still have a current episode of moderate or severe depression according to the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) despite treatment. Below I paste the full inclusion criteria into the program so that you can get as wide an idea as possible. However, these are medical criteria and it is the doctor who has full knowledge and competence to assess whether your case meets them. It would be best to talk about esketamine therapy with your psychiatrist: "Recipients who meet the following criteria are eligible for esketamine treatment under the program: 1) age from the age of 18 to 75; 2) confirmed diagnosis of depression classified according to the current ICD-10 classification to codes: F33.1 and F33.2; (3) a current episode of moderate or severe depression according to the MADRS scale; 4) contraindications or resistance or lack of consent of the patient to electroconvulsive therapy; 5) confirmation of drug-resistant depression defined as depressive disorder in adults who have not responded to at least two different antidepressants (used at the appropriate dose for an appropriate period of time, in accordance with the guidelines of the Polish Psychiatric Association and the National Consultant for Adult Psychiatry) in a current episode of moderate to severe depression; 6) no more than 5 different antidepressants in the current episode of depression; 7) at least a second episode of depression; 8) a current episode lasting at least 6 months according to the date of the first medical visit related to the treatment of this episode; 9) exclusion of the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder; 10) no history of addiction (addiction to alcohol, hypnotics, sedatives, analgesics or drugs); 11) exclusion of pregnancy and breastfeeding; 12) the absence of clinical conditions which, in the opinion of the attending physician, prevent the inclusion of therapy; 13) adequate organ capacity as determined by laboratory blood tests as prescribed by the current SmPC." I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/depresja https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/programy-lekowe-nowoczesne-terapie

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