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Oleńka 9 (Anonymous, 109.197.189.) Warszawa 16 months ago

How long can Uridinox be used? Can Uridinox be combined with vitamin D3 and lemon balm tea?

I wanted to ask if Urydinox tablets are safe and how long to use, whether you need to take any breaks in use. Is it possible to take together with Wit D3 and lemon balm tea. How long can you take vitamin D3 at level 34 after the test.

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Joanna Dunajska Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

The manufacturer does not specify the maximum time for which Uridinox can be used, nor whether breaks should be used while taking the preparation. Uridinox is an authorised preparation that meets the safety requirements for use. In addition, it contains B vitamins and uridine monophosphate, these are substances that we provide with food and present in our body. Uridinox can be taken together with vitamin D3 and infusion of lemon balm. In healthy adults sunbathing with their forearms and legs exposed for 30–45 minutes between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., without sunscreen from May to late September, vitamin D3 supplementation is not necessary, although still recommended and safe. If these recommendations are not met, cholecalciferol supplementation at a dose of 1,000-2,000 IU/day is recommended throughout the year. These are the latest guidelines for vitamin D3 supplementation in adults. If you meet the requirement of adequate sun exposure, supplementation is not necessary. However, if this requirement is not preserved, vitamin D3 should be taken all year round. Through Gdziepolek you can compare the prices of Uridinox, book the preparation in a selected pharmacy or order with home delivery: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/81079/urydynox-kapsulki/apteki I enclose materials that may be interesting: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/neuropatia

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