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adhd (Anonymous, 85.221.134.) Polska 17 months ago

What medication would you recommend for ADHD for a person of 18 years old?

What remedy for ADHD at the age of 18 would you recommend? The fewer side effects and the higher the effectiveness, the better.

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

To @adhd: The prescription can be written by a doctor experienced in this type of therapy - most often it is a psychiatrist. According to the manufacturer of the drug: "Additional information on the safe use of the product: Check-ups before starting treatment: Before prescribing the product, a medical history should be collected and a basic assessment of the patient's cardiovascular capacity should be carried out, including blood pressure and heart rate. Monitoring during treatment: Cardiovascular fitness should be monitored regularly by measuring and recording blood pressure and heart rate after each dose adjustment and at least every 6 months thereafter. In children, it is recommended to use a percentile grid. In adults, current guidelines for hypertension should be followed. Discontinuation of treatment: No clear withdrawal symptoms were reported during the studies. If significant side effects occur, the use of atomoxetine can be stopped immediately; In other cases, the dose may be gradually reduced in a timely manner. The duration of treatment with Konaten need not be indefinite. After one year of treatment, the need for further treatment should be reassessed, especially if the patient has responded to a sustained and satisfactory response."

adhd (Anonymous, 85.221.134.) 16 months ago

Any doctor can write a prescription for atomoxetine? Since it is very difficult to get into the Medikinet network, a psychiatrist is needed, I was told that only he can write a prescription.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

Any medication can - but does not have to - cause side effects. All drugs on the market, including for ADHD, are tested for safety and effectiveness. However, the effect and tolerability of the drug may be individually variable. So you can't recommend one best drug for ADHD. The choice of such a drug lies with the doctor after interviewing the patient. I enclose material that may be helpful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/adhd-choroba-czy-wymysl https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/adhd

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